Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A good adjustment

The last week has been a lot of unhealthy eating opportunities - the Fair 4 times, barbecues and just lots of opportunities for being a bad, bad girl. I haven't done very well with the temptations, I have indulged in carbs and too many fattening things. As a result, not much of a drop in the scale this week, although I don't really know that for a fact but I feel like I haven't, I'll check in the morning. And it was my dear, sweet, hunny who put me back on track. He very lovingly reminded me why I started down this road and that no one would be disappointed in me but ME if I got off track and stayed there. I needed to hear that. So, it's back to the disciplined rigors of high protein foods, protein supplements and keeping carbs out of sight. I was thankful for the reminder. Just cuz I CAN have certain foods again, i.e. they won't hurt my new tummy, doesn't mean that I am supposed to have them or that they are good for me. So today I started off with a protein shake, had a yummy lunch of half a chicken thigh that Kat made for me, and a supper of 3 0z of lean meat and cheese, which was actually too much, I am uncomfortably full. No veggies or fruit, which I should have had a few bites of, but I didn't have any on hand. Tomorrow there will be applesauce and carrots in my purse so I can hopefully have a perfect day. And I will be working out tonight before bed, sweating to some mega-cardio fun. So I'm back on track and with new resolve and purpose restored. It's so easy to get off track and just slip into old mind frames and habits. Thankfully I've got a great support system that loves me and wants me to succeed. Onward!

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