Wednesday, January 4, 2012

324 sticks of butter gone, 155 to go!

I hit my goal this morning, just 4 days later than my goal date. Getting the flu helped I guess, I weighed in at 198.9 this morning, that's 81.1 pounds gone! That's 324 sticks of butter. Off of my body!
I went to buy dog food the other day and I get a 40 pound bag. I had a hard time wrestling one big bag, it was weird to think I used to carry 2 of them on my body all the time, everywhere, always.

I bought new pants yesterday and a button down shirt and it's so awesome to be able to tuck my shirt in :)

So far I have successfully avoided sweets/junk food/snacking and I have been pushing the protein like I'm supposed to. One day at a time, I love the new year - new start!

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